Opel Kadett E

1984-1991 of release

Repair and car operation

Opel Kadett E
+ 1. The maintenance instruction
+ 2. Weekly checks and service in a way
+ 3. Maintenance service
- 4. The engine
   - 4.1. Engine OHV (with a camshaft in the block of cylinders)
      4.1.1. A technical characteristics
      4.1.2. Compression check
      4.1.3. The repair operations which are not demanding removal of the engine
      + 4.1.4. The repair operations demanding removal of the engine
      4.1.5. Adjustment of backlashes of valves
      - 4.1.6. A head of the block of cylinders Removal of a head of the block of cylinders Installation of a head of the block of cylinders Repair of a head of the block of cylinders Clearing of a head of the block of cylinders and pistons of a deposit
      4.1.7. Removal and installation of the oil pallet
      + 4.1.8. The oil pump
      + 4.1.9. Mechanism asterisks timing
      + 4.1.10. Pistons and rods
      4.1.11. Removal and flywheel installation
      4.1.12. Removal and installation of support of the power unit
      4.1.13. Removal and installation of a camshaft and pushers
      4.1.14. Removal and installation of a back sealing ring of a cranked shaft
      4.1.15. Removal and installation of a cranked shaft and radical bearings
      + 4.1.16. Check of elements of the engine
      4.1.17. System of greasing of the engine
      4.1.18. Removal and engine installation
      4.1.19. Start of the engine after major repairs
   + 4.2. Engines OHC
   + 4.3. Engine DOHC with 16 valves
   + 4.4. Diesel engines 16D and 16DА
   + 4.5. Diesel engines of 1,7 l
+ 5. System of cooling, heating and ventilation
+ 6. Fuel and exhaust systems
+ 7. Start and gymnastics system
+ 8. Ignition system
+ 9. Coupling
+ 10. Transmissions and power shafts
+ 11. Brake system
+ 12. A suspension bracket and a steering
+ 13. A body
+ 14. Electric schemes

944881c0 Repair of a head of the block of cylinders

Head of the block of cylinders

1 – the inlet valve,
2 – the final valve,
3 – заглушка,
4 – a head of the block of cylinders,
5 – a bolt of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders,
6 – the bottom plate of a spring,
7 – маслоотражательный a cap,
8 – a spring,
9 – the top plate of a spring,
10 – crackers,
11 – коромысло,
12 – a spherical support,
13 – самоконтрящаяся a nut,
14 – a rack,
15 – a branch pipe,
16 – a bar of a pusher,
17 – a pusher,
18 – a lining of a head of the block of cylinders

1. Unscrew nuts, fastening коромысла, and remove коромысла from racks. Arrange коромысла so that they could be established on the places.
2. Using the special adaptation for compression of a spring of the valve, compress each spring and remove crackers from a valve end face. When the valve spring is compressed also a spring plate does not act in film from crackers, it is necessary to strike a hammer through wooden брусок on a spring plate that will lead to clearing of crackers. Remove the adaptation for compression of a spring and take a spring plate, a spring and the valve. Remove маслоотражательные caps and the mechanism of turn of the final valve.
3. Each valve store in a separate polyethylene package together with a spring plate, a spring, a nest of a spring and crackers for their further installation on the places.
4. Check up a plate of each valve on dot corrosion, прожоги, cracks and the general deterioration. Check up a valve core on deterioration and a bend. Check up deterioration of an end face of a core of the valve. In the presence of any defects the valve is subject to replacement.
5. By a micrometer measure diameter of a core of the valve in several places on length of a core. Any essential distinction in the received data specifies in deterioration of a core of the valve and obligatory replacement of the valve.
6. Check up a condition of saddles of valves. If they are burnt, worn out or have defects, it is necessary to replace them. If deterioration of a saddle of the valve is insignificant, they are necessary for grinding in. Check up directing plugs of valves on deterioration, inserting into them a core of the valve and moving it to the parties. Moving should be insignificant. If moving is excessive, take the valve and measure diameter of a core of the valve. If necessary replace the valve. If the valve core is not worn out, means, the directing plug with which it is necessary to replace is worn out. Replacement of directing plugs of valves should be made at servicing deport.
7. If saddles of valves have to be перешлифованы, this operation is necessary for executing after installation of new directing valves.
8. If valves are in a satisfactory condition, they should be inserted into the places and are ground in. If plates of valves or a saddle are worn strongly out, before their grinding in it is necessary to process mechanically or even to replace.
9. Grinding in of valves is carried out as follows. Establish a head of the block of cylinders combustion chambers upwards on wooden брусках.
10. Grease with paste for place grinding in on a plate of the valve and a valve saddle, establish the valve on a place and on a valve plate establish a sucker with the holder or the handle. Rotating the valve a sucker every which way, grind in the valve, and it is periodically necessary to lift the valve for redistribution притирочной pastes.
11. If paste is used rough притирочная, grinding in make before occurrence of a uniform matte surface on a saddle of the valve and the valve. Then erase used structure of paste and repeat process of grinding in with мелкодисперсной paste. Grinding in make before occurrence of easy grey-matte colour.
12. Carefully remove traces притирочной pastes, using corresponding solvent.
13. Check up клапанные springs on damage signs.
14. Establish springs one of end faces on a bed, check up a deviation of an axis of a spring from a vertical plane and length of springs. In case of damage of one of springs it is necessary to replace all springs in the complete set.
15. Replace маслоотражательные caps irrespective of their condition.
16. Carefully examine a head of the block of cylinders on presence of cracks and other damages. In the presence of cracks the head is subject to replacement.
17. Using a metal ruler and probe, check up planeness of an interfaced surface of a head of the block of cylinders.
18. Check up cleanliness of apertures of giving of oil in racks коромысел.
19. Grease a valve core with pure engine oil and insert the valve into the directing.
20. Lower маслоотражательный a cap in fresh engine oil and establish it on a valve core into place, being careful not to damage its working edges. For installation маслоотражательных caps use the special plug.
21. On inlet the valve establish the mechanism of turn of the valve.
22. Establish a spring (drawing at the left) and the top plate of a spring (drawing on the right).
23. The special adaptation compress клапанную a spring and establish crackers in dredging of a core of the valve and grease them. Remove the adaptation for spring compression. Repeat this operation on other valves.
24. With a hammer through wooden брусок knock on an end face of a core of the valve that all elements of the valve were accurately established on the places.
25. The mechanism of a drive of valves can be established as on the head which has been removed from the engine, and on a head established on the engine. The only thing that it is necessary to mean that коромысел it is not necessary to screw up fastening nuts too strongly, otherwise it will be impossible to establish pushers.
26. Establish коромысла on racks of a head of the block of cylinders.
27. Establish on racks spherical support коромысел.
28. Grease a carving of a nut of fastening коромысла with pure engine oil and screw a nut on a rack so that the blocking part of a nut was screwed on a rack carving.