1. The special tool or a knife cut off old hermetic till a thickness of a layer of 2 mm on all perimetre of a framework and back glass. |
The prevention Be cautious not to remove some hermetic more than it is necessary, and also not to damage a paint and varnish covering of the car.
2. Degrease the processed surface. |
3. Put back glass to a window aperture and in four points on a body note glass installation sites. |
4. Paste a rubber lining to an internal surface of back glass. Height of a layer of hermetic
"In" – four-door cars:
Above: 13,5 mm
From sides: 13,5 mm
From below: 27 mm
"With" – three - five-door cars:
Above: 23 mm
From sides: 23 mm
From below: 42 mm
5. Establish молдинг on back glass. |
6. Apply a thin film a glass first coat on an outer side of a rubber lining of back glass. |
The prevention Do not concern a layer of hermetic with a hand.
In a place of a contact of hermetic it cannot provide with a hand reliable connection and in this place leaks after glass installation are possible.
Do not put on glass a first coat intended for a body.
7. Apply a thin film first coats on originally put hermetic acting on perimetre of glass. Glass is necessary for establishing during 10 mines after first coat drawing. |
8. Put glue in a syringe and put it on edge of back glass. |
The prevention Put glue during 5 mines after drawing of a glass first coat.
9. The special tool or suckers establish glass over a window aperture according to earlier put labels and press glass to a window aperture. |
10. Шпателем remove superfluous glue. Fill all bowls and emptiness on perimetre of back glass. |
11. Directing a water stream on back glass, check up tightness of its installation. Do not direct on fresh hermetic a water stream under the big pressure. |
12. In the presence of leaks dry up the damaged area and put hermetic. |
The prevention Do not maintain the car within 4 hours after glass installation.
After installation of back glass support it within the first hour.
13. Establish into place all earlier removed elements. |
The prevention Within 2–3 days after installation of back glass do not clap doors.
Avoid movement on rough roads where the car body is exposed to intensive twisting.