Plausible reason
Elimination method
The increased free wheeling of a steering wheel | Steering transfer is unreliably fixed | Tighten |
Bolts of steering transfer are unreliably tightened | Tighten bolts |
Big люфт or deterioration of a tip of steering draught | Replace a tip of steering draught |
The steering wheel turns hardly | Too big moment проворачивания the spherical hinge of a tip of steering draught | Replace a tip of steering draught |
It is too strongly tightened gear рейка steering transfer | Adjust a tension |
Internal connection of steering draught or the spherical hinge are turned hardly | Grease or replace the spherical hinge |
Steering transfer is damaged | Replace steering transfer |
Hinges of a steering shaft or sealing ring of a body are worn out | Replace |
The bearing of a gear wheel of steering transfer is damaged | Replace |
The steering wheel does not come back in a starting position properly | Too big moment проворачивания the spherical hinge of a tip of steering draught | Replace a tip of steering draught |
It is too strongly tightened gear рейка steering transfer | Adjust a tension |
Internal connection of steering draught or the spherical hinge are turned hardly | Grease or replace the spherical hinge |
Hinges of a steering shaft or sealing ring of a body are worn out | Replace |